Well, it is snowing in Montana today. It is just a little snow (the ground is barely white); we are still under a severe winter weather advisory until midnight tonight with maybe 4 inches more. It's going to have to start soon if we are really going to get that much! It is supposed to get up to the 60s later this week so even if it does snow, it won't last. I hope that it melts fast, I want to go out and play outside.
On a brighter note; I get to go plant shopping tomorrow!!! It will be fun to go to the greenhouses again and pick out plants for my program tomorrow night. I wish that spring would decide to stay around for a while so that I could start plants outside...I'm getting antsy for something green to mess with! I plan to make my seed order for my garden this week so that I can plant seeds and start my garden. I plan on trying some different things this year; new tomatoe varieties and some new peppers. I am going to try to grow lettuce and potatoes this year as well. Let's hope that they do something!
9 years ago