9 years ago
Sunday, August 23, 2009
2 month hiatus
Well, after a nearly 2 month hiatus, I am going to update everyone. First of the the 4-H exchange trip was AWESOME! It was easily the most rewarding thing that I have ever done in my career. I had no behavior issues, no one got hurt or sick, and everyone had a blast! We did the Floyd County Jamboree, Busch Gardens (Apollo's Chariot is a my personal favorite roller coaster there!), Virginia Beach (first time at the ocean for most of my kids), and stayed with some of the coolest host families ever...Thanks Floyd County!!! After I got back from Virginia, I had a couple of weeks before 4-H Fair; so I spent the majority of that time out in the field watching combiners and haying operations; it was really cool. I went out one night and watched the combines run after dark...really eerie looking! Fair was excellent this year; we had cooler weather, and really good judges; again, no behavior issues; other than one crazy steer that tried to drag 5 of us around and even tried to pull down a horse once we roped him! After fair I met up with Wes, Laura, and Abi for a weekend of camping in the Medicine Bow National Forest southwest of Laramie, WY. We camped at nearly 10,000 ft and I know that I got cold up there. I took the motorcycle down there which was by far the farthest I had ever ridden it (1100 miles that weekend); and finally, last weekend, my friend Rae and her daughter Danni (Glyn was working so he couldn't go) went to Great Falls to see Casting Crowns in concert. IT WAS AWESOME!!! So now everyone is caught up. I'll try not to let it be two months next time!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Exchange week is here! I don't know whether to feel scared, excited, apprehensive, or what so I am trying to feel everything at once...scary. I am anxious to see friends and family again back east, but the apprehension of being responsible for 21 other people is daunting. I would ask that everyone prays that everything goes well, the kids learn something new, meet some cool friends, and have a good time; also, that my volunteers (without which I could not do what I do) have a good time as well. I'll try to write from the road (or tracks)!!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
what's new???
I have often wondered exactly how much information to divulge in an open forum such as this. I mean there is no expectation of privacy as this is on the internet and open for everyone to read. With that, I have always been a little guarded about what I post, but this time I think that I will let everyone in on what's really going on in my life. For the first time in a long time, my emotional state is good; my spiritual life is good; and while I am not happy about being alone, I am content in my situation for the time being. I am making some drastic changes in my daily life and how I approach things...this is all in an effort to make myself into the person that God wants me to be rather than someone else's definition of who I should be. I am going to counseling to make sure that I can put "the past behind me" and put down the baggage from a life that I no longer want to lead. So here's to putting one foot in front of the other and beginning a journey where I know the end destination, but the route is still obscure. It should be fun!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Spring Continues...MT and MD
Well, after a LOOOOOOONG winter, I believe that we have finally entered spring here in Montana for good. I'm letting myself believe that we won't have any more cold weather. I went around town the other day and took some pictures of the plants and flowers in bloom so if you are interested in flowers, look here.
I also just got back from a conference in Baltimore, MD. The weather was great all week, not too hot or humid...apparently it is very hot there today (but now I am back in Montana so they can keep their humidity)! I had never been to Baltimore prior to this trip and I have to say that I enjoyed myself more than I thought that I would. It is still a big city that I would never want to live in or visit for an extended period, but it was nice for a couple of days. The Inner Harbor was nice...and touristy; the aquarium was neat; and Mt. Vernon was fun. I wish that I had gotten to see Fort McHenry while I was there, but I didn't have time. Pictures from Baltimore can be found here.
I also just got back from a conference in Baltimore, MD. The weather was great all week, not too hot or humid...apparently it is very hot there today (but now I am back in Montana so they can keep their humidity)! I had never been to Baltimore prior to this trip and I have to say that I enjoyed myself more than I thought that I would. It is still a big city that I would never want to live in or visit for an extended period, but it was nice for a couple of days. The Inner Harbor was nice...and touristy; the aquarium was neat; and Mt. Vernon was fun. I wish that I had gotten to see Fort McHenry while I was there, but I didn't have time. Pictures from Baltimore can be found here.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Spring has sprung...FINALLY!!!
I got out on Friday last week and went to visit some producers in Lodge Grass. Apparently everyone thought that it was a good day to be out because I didn't find anyone at home, but I did enjoy the ride and I took a few pictures of the spring green-up here in the area. It did rain a little on Friday, but I thought that the spring rain storm was kind of pretty so I took some pictures of the approaching rain as well. Pictures from spring in Montana can be found here.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Post 100!!!
Well, here it is...post 100!!! If this were a television show, I would make this the season finale and have some sort of cliff hanger ending that would leave you on the edge of your seat. Alas, this is only what is happening in my life and really isn't all that exciting some times...come to think of it, that is exactly like television.
Since my last update; Mom and Dad came out to Montana for a visit and I have finished school for the summer! The visit by the parentals was fun and I got to show them some of what I love about Montana (we didn't get to go to Glacier). I took them to Yellowstone Park (and yes, some of the park is in Montana), down to Big Horn Canyon, around some of the farming areas in the county, out to the Big Horn River (one of the prettiest rivers in the world as far as I'm concerned), and generally just had an enjoyable visit. Now I can settle in for a busy spring and summer with many exciting Extension programs scheduled for this month and next, the exchange and fair in July, and then the best part...Banff in August!!! I can hardly wait to be in the Canadian Rockies! Pictures from Yellowstone in April can be found here.
Since my last update; Mom and Dad came out to Montana for a visit and I have finished school for the summer! The visit by the parentals was fun and I got to show them some of what I love about Montana (we didn't get to go to Glacier). I took them to Yellowstone Park (and yes, some of the park is in Montana), down to Big Horn Canyon, around some of the farming areas in the county, out to the Big Horn River (one of the prettiest rivers in the world as far as I'm concerned), and generally just had an enjoyable visit. Now I can settle in for a busy spring and summer with many exciting Extension programs scheduled for this month and next, the exchange and fair in July, and then the best part...Banff in August!!! I can hardly wait to be in the Canadian Rockies! Pictures from Yellowstone in April can be found here.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Spring time in Montana
Does anyone remember that old Billy Horton song "Springtime in Alaska"...actually, Johnny Cash did the song as well, but that is beside the point. Anyhow, there is a line in that song that says "when it's spring time in Alaska, it'll be 40 below". Well, it is not that cold in Montana, but after a week of 70 degree weather, the snow and rain that we are experiencing right now feels like 40 below! We will be enjoying the snow and rain for another day with some of the mountain areas receiving upwards of 2 feet of snow...down here in the prairies we are not expected to get any accumulation but the fact that it is snowing at all kind of sucks. Next week it is supposed to be warm again; that would be really nice...keep your fingers crossed!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Done with winter
That's it...I'm done with winter! The weather was in the 60s earlier in the week and now it is only 10 above and snowing. It did the same thing last week and I know that this is just a transition time, but I'm done with the wild temperature swings and snow. I'm ready to have some warm weather where I can go outside and play.
I'll tell you what else I'm getting close to being done with...graduate school. This whole thesis thing SUCKS big time! I have sort of narrowed down my topic but I am working on a lit review now and it sucks. It had better be worth it when I get done and get tenure and a nice pay raise. By the way, Laura if you read this...you were right, working on a thesis and working full time is next to impossible to do effectively. Oh well, back to the research...
I'll tell you what else I'm getting close to being done with...graduate school. This whole thesis thing SUCKS big time! I have sort of narrowed down my topic but I am working on a lit review now and it sucks. It had better be worth it when I get done and get tenure and a nice pay raise. By the way, Laura if you read this...you were right, working on a thesis and working full time is next to impossible to do effectively. Oh well, back to the research...
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Early spring cleaning
I am in the midst of trying to clear out junk from the house. This process sucks; there is no better term for it. It is telling also; how can someone accumulate so much stuff and manage to be oblivious to its presence? It's mostly clothes right now, but I'm sure that I will get into the "things" soon enough. The house is an utter disaster right now, but hopefully when it is done there will be more room and less clutter...that's a good metaphor for life don't you think?
I am also planning major landscaping renvoations for this spring. I have found varieties of plants that I thought were not available to me in Montana...I found azaleas, forsythia, and even rhodedendron that will grow in this climate...with soil modifications. I can't wait to have my front yard done (that won't be that difficult), then starting on the back yard (much more difficult due to the destruction by the dogs). Hopefully, I can get the front yard planted and start on the hardscaping for the backyard before next winter. We'll see.
I am also planning major landscaping renvoations for this spring. I have found varieties of plants that I thought were not available to me in Montana...I found azaleas, forsythia, and even rhodedendron that will grow in this climate...with soil modifications. I can't wait to have my front yard done (that won't be that difficult), then starting on the back yard (much more difficult due to the destruction by the dogs). Hopefully, I can get the front yard planted and start on the hardscaping for the backyard before next winter. We'll see.
Friday, February 20, 2009
No title...just stuff
It's snowing again on the northern plains. That's neither a good or a bad thing, it just is what it is. We are supposed to get around 3 inches of snow today...and then be near 60 degrees by Monday. I guess it really has been a while since I last put anything up here, but really there isn't much going on right now other than work. Seems like all I have done for the past couple of weeks is put out fires and ran around like a crazy man. Well, I guess not everyday has been crazy; last Sunday I took a drive around the county and over into Carbon County to Red Lodge. I went the back roads and enjoyed the scenery. You see so much more when you get off of the interstate and just take your time. Taking my time made a normally 2 hour drive down to Red Lodge more of a 3 hour jaunt, but the extra time was worth it. The Big Horn, Pryor, and Beartooth Mtns. were just stunning with snow covered peaks contrasting with the stark brown colors of the valleys and prairies. We ate dinner in Red Lodge at a fairly swanky joint (as if there is anything but swanky joints in Red Lodge) and then drove back home. All in all a pretty good day.
The snow today has killed my spring fever (thankfully). Yesterday I was noticing the beginnings of spring with the base of grass plants starting to green up and lilac bushes starting to bud swell. I know that it is too early for spring and we still have potential for winter weather until June, but it does start to get exciting when things start awakening from their winter dormancy. This year I will be trying something new...finally going to plant my first Montana garden. I have been here two summers without a garden and I'm going to take the plunge and reenter the world of growing vegetables and fruits this year. I have learned a lot in my time here and I think that it's time to try. I am going to get some space in a local greenhouse to start seed and by the time June 1 rolls around, I should have everything ready to transplant and see what happens! I think that I am also going to cut down the two trees in the front of the house and replace them with apples or cherries (haven't decided which yet). The trees out there now have no aesthetic interest and produce no fruit and really don't provide any shade...useless in other words. So I think that they will be replaced with something more useful. The only issue is the abundance of fireblight in town (seems to be a major problem every spring). I'm thinking cherries rather than apples for this reason...although finding a sweet cherry that is tolerant in this region and is grown on semi-dwarf rootstock is proving to be difficult. Oh well, we'll see how this whole thing turns out as the summer progresses!
The snow today has killed my spring fever (thankfully). Yesterday I was noticing the beginnings of spring with the base of grass plants starting to green up and lilac bushes starting to bud swell. I know that it is too early for spring and we still have potential for winter weather until June, but it does start to get exciting when things start awakening from their winter dormancy. This year I will be trying something new...finally going to plant my first Montana garden. I have been here two summers without a garden and I'm going to take the plunge and reenter the world of growing vegetables and fruits this year. I have learned a lot in my time here and I think that it's time to try. I am going to get some space in a local greenhouse to start seed and by the time June 1 rolls around, I should have everything ready to transplant and see what happens! I think that I am also going to cut down the two trees in the front of the house and replace them with apples or cherries (haven't decided which yet). The trees out there now have no aesthetic interest and produce no fruit and really don't provide any shade...useless in other words. So I think that they will be replaced with something more useful. The only issue is the abundance of fireblight in town (seems to be a major problem every spring). I'm thinking cherries rather than apples for this reason...although finding a sweet cherry that is tolerant in this region and is grown on semi-dwarf rootstock is proving to be difficult. Oh well, we'll see how this whole thing turns out as the summer progresses!
Friday, January 30, 2009
On the road again...
Cue the Willie Nelson tune! I just returned from a couple of days in Lewistown, MT for annual 4-H Update. This is a conference that we have every year to remind us how to work with kids and introduce us agents to new policies that the state is enacting. This year was more of the that. The state is now requiring criminal background checks for all volunteer leaders for the next 4-H year (October 1). I am not oposed to this, but it will probably meet with some resistance due to the cost of conducting the searches.
Now, more fun stuff. On my way up to Lewistown, I got to shoot some pictures of the Little Snowy and Judith Mtns. I drove a little ways into the mountains and enjoyed the scenery, saw some wildlife and just enjoyed the time out in the backcountry. I did see nearly a dozen bald eagles flying around, which to say the least was impressive! I was hoping to see some elk, but found only mule deer and some pronghorns (I didn't shoot any pictures of them). Pictures from the trip can be found here.
Now, more fun stuff. On my way up to Lewistown, I got to shoot some pictures of the Little Snowy and Judith Mtns. I drove a little ways into the mountains and enjoyed the scenery, saw some wildlife and just enjoyed the time out in the backcountry. I did see nearly a dozen bald eagles flying around, which to say the least was impressive! I was hoping to see some elk, but found only mule deer and some pronghorns (I didn't shoot any pictures of them). Pictures from the trip can be found here.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Back to normal
Things are getting back to normal after the holiday season...it's nice. I do like the holidays but it is nice to settle back into routine and not have to worry about who's schedule fits where and trying to do all of the rushing about that goes with a trip back to Virginia (two weeks can really fly by when you are trying to see everyone in the family)!!!
Now for all of you back east that are dealing with artic temperatures...we will be near 60 degrees by Monday and at least 50 until then! With the exception of today (low 30s and snow). We do have about 6 inches of snow...it's really pretty right now, and knowing that it will be short lived makes it all the nicer. Unfortunately, with the warmer temperatures will come the slushy, melting mess that is much like spring thaw...yuck!
Something else that is kind of nice...I am not currently taking a class. Classes begin next week so I have been relishing just working and going home and working around the house.
Now for all of you back east that are dealing with artic temperatures...we will be near 60 degrees by Monday and at least 50 until then! With the exception of today (low 30s and snow). We do have about 6 inches of snow...it's really pretty right now, and knowing that it will be short lived makes it all the nicer. Unfortunately, with the warmer temperatures will come the slushy, melting mess that is much like spring thaw...yuck!
Something else that is kind of nice...I am not currently taking a class. Classes begin next week so I have been relishing just working and going home and working around the house.
Monday, January 5, 2009
A new year and new opportunities to improve life! I don't know why we always wait until a new year to make these changes, but we do. So what changes do I plan to implement this year...well;
Finacially--I won't to pay off at least one more major debt while not incurring any more. Basically a continuation of last year's goal...something worked!!!
Professional--I am planning on presenting at another national conference and attending my professional association meeting this year.
Social--I would like to have friends/family over for dinner at least once a month and I would like to do a better job of keeping in touch with friends/family around the country.
Self--I would like to be in shape enough to do some high altitude camping and hiking in Glacier, Teton, and Banff National Parks this summer. I have a treadmill and it's time to use it a little more!
These are not huge goals, but I think that is the point; to make small changes in lifestyle that will make lasting impacts.
Finacially--I won't to pay off at least one more major debt while not incurring any more. Basically a continuation of last year's goal...something worked!!!
Professional--I am planning on presenting at another national conference and attending my professional association meeting this year.
Social--I would like to have friends/family over for dinner at least once a month and I would like to do a better job of keeping in touch with friends/family around the country.
Self--I would like to be in shape enough to do some high altitude camping and hiking in Glacier, Teton, and Banff National Parks this summer. I have a treadmill and it's time to use it a little more!
These are not huge goals, but I think that is the point; to make small changes in lifestyle that will make lasting impacts.
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