Friday, March 6, 2009

Done with winter

That's it...I'm done with winter! The weather was in the 60s earlier in the week and now it is only 10 above and snowing. It did the same thing last week and I know that this is just a transition time, but I'm done with the wild temperature swings and snow. I'm ready to have some warm weather where I can go outside and play.

I'll tell you what else I'm getting close to being done with...graduate school. This whole thesis thing SUCKS big time! I have sort of narrowed down my topic but I am working on a lit review now and it sucks. It had better be worth it when I get done and get tenure and a nice pay raise. By the way, Laura if you read were right, working on a thesis and working full time is next to impossible to do effectively. Oh well, back to the research...

Monday, March 2, 2009

new feature

I just think that it is neat that I am updating my blog from my new phone!