It is finally here; Stock Show week! I have a meeting with my kids this afternoon and we leave for Denver on Thursday morning at o'dark thirty. I am probably more excited for this trip than the kids. It will be my first Western National and I have been looking forward to going since I moved to Montana. I really hope that the kids can take something away from this experience and improve their cattle production practices and showing ability plus it will be nice to see snow...we don't have any in Eastern Montana and it is very disappointing. Winter hasn't even begun's 50 degrees today! It is supposed to get cold tomorrow, but we'll see...I have my doubts.
In other news, I am hopefully going to get my hog today...well, half a hog actually. I don't know where I am going to keep all of it, the freezer is pretty full at the current time. I went this past weekend to Billings to look at home improvement products and I could spend a fortune in Lowe's and Home Depot! I still love the fact that I can buy anything I want in Lowe's and put it in the house without having to ask anyone for permission (home ownership definitely beats renting)!
Well, that is enough for now, I will post pictures and experiences from Denver later.
9 years ago
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