I used to have this grandiose vision of going back to school to receive an education and then go forth and make the world a better place. I now realize that graduate school is a synonym for "jump through hoops" or "dance puppet"...either one. I have been battling not with the course load but rather with people of authority in administration that obviously never make mistakes (read EXTREME sarcasm). It has taken over a month to get my account settled and registered for fall classes because of a mistake made in the university computer system! It's all taken care of now and at Christmas I will be half way done with my degree!!!
On a totally different subject; I have been riveted to news about the DNCC in Denver this week. It's all over the local channels in Montana as well as the national feeds. I am riveted because of the historical significance of nominating a black man for president, plus the man is a wonderful orator that gives you the "warm and fuzzies". That being said, the man still, in my opinion, is not the best choice for president. I'm not sure that McCain is either by the way. I would not vote for Obama on one simple issue...his vote in the senate to extend social security and welfare benefits to illegal immigrants. How can anyone think that is an acceptable plan for America?
9 years ago
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