Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Life; enjoy the ride!!! (a little pissed off)

When I was playing baseball back in high school I used to really enjoy having a pitcher throw curveballs. The reason being is that I bat left handed and for a right handed pitcher throwing to a left handed batter most of the time the pitch will break down and away which puts the ball right a good place to hit with power! In life I do not enjoy the curves as much. Take for instance this week (and a good portion of the past two months for that matter) I feel like I am having to defend myself against things that I have no interest in fighting. Tomorrow will be another test and I don't really know how things will turn out. I know that I would prefer things to just 'go away' and 'blow over' but I also know that this will not be the case. I am embroiled in a situation involving some angry people and a decision that I made regarding these angry people. I am getting absolutely no support from people that should be supporting the decision (someone who has repeatedly told me that we needed to "be on the same team"). Instead of supporting a decision that I still believe was correct I have been undermined in public, to my boss, and to the state office...ahh, nothing like politics to get you going!!! The reason for all of this...I really don't know. I am not interested in a "pissing contest" but that appears to be what this is. So tomorrow I will go into two meetings and have to defend a decision that WAS CORRECT and I will defend it and myself with all the energy that it takes to fight off this unwarranted attack! This is not to say that I don't feel some trepidation at the thought of tomorrow, but rather that I am sick and tired of being cut down and my decisions being undermined...tomorrow is WAR!!!

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