Monday, January 28, 2008

This and That

Well, there really isn't anything going on right now. I am leaving tomorrow for Lewistown, MT for 4-H update. I don't enjoy Lewistown as much as Miles City, and I really don't want to be traveling overnight, but that's part of the job. I do have some new career goals that I started implementing today. I am now trying to go every Monday to the Farmers Union and hang out for an hour or so in the morning (as a way to meet and get to know my ranchers in an informal setting); I am also going to start going to see the county commissioners on Tuesdays (as a way to update them on what's going on and so they know what they are spending their money on). I hope that these new strategies work to get me out in the community faster.

In other news, winter has officially arrived on the northern plains! Yesterday it was 50 degrees and today it is 3 above with a 40 mph wind. Tomorrow the morning temp is supposed to be 11 below with snow. It's not supposed to get back to 20 degrees for the next two weeks. Bring out your heavy coats Mom and Dad, you will probably need them!

I went out and saw Alvin and Chipmunks movie last was really good! I am almost embarassed to say that...almost. Well, that's it for now.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Return from Denver

The Western National Trip is now over and I have to say that I am glad. I love my 4-Hers, but they wore me out down there! I probably will not take that particular age group back to the stock show; I would prefer an older group that is more interested in cattle and less interested in shopping. The stock show was truly awesome and I really want to go back at some point when I can look at the cattle longer and even watch the shows and sales more. To get some indication of how serious this show is; the average selling price for bred angus heifers while I was in the sale arena was $6,000.00/animal. That is pretty serious money changing hands!

The drive back was a bit exciting as Montana and Northern Wyoming got a fairly significant snow storm Saturday night and Sunday. The roads were completely clear until Buffalo, WY where they became snow covered and icy for the rest of our journey. We made it back safely and without incident so it all turned out fine. Pictures from the stock show can be found here.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Report From Western National Stock Show

This is a really cool stock show! There are more show cattle here than I have ever seen in my life. Virginia's Beef Expo is NOTHING compared to this! The kids seem to be enjoying themselves and have been incredible for most of the trip. We are going to see the Gambler's Stake Jumper Competition tonight and tomorrow we are taking a slight deviation from cattle to visit the Denver aquarium before finishing the stock show with llamas, and more cattle, and finally the Wild West Show tomorrow night. Then it will be back north to Montana, through what is possibly the windiest state in the country...Wyoming. Nebraska or Utah must really suck for Wyoming to be that windy! Well, pictures and more stories to come when I get back to Montana.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Denver Bound...Cows, Horses, and Goats; oh my!

It is finally here; Stock Show week! I have a meeting with my kids this afternoon and we leave for Denver on Thursday morning at o'dark thirty. I am probably more excited for this trip than the kids. It will be my first Western National and I have been looking forward to going since I moved to Montana. I really hope that the kids can take something away from this experience and improve their cattle production practices and showing ability plus it will be nice to see snow...we don't have any in Eastern Montana and it is very disappointing. Winter hasn't even begun's 50 degrees today! It is supposed to get cold tomorrow, but we'll see...I have my doubts.

In other news, I am hopefully going to get my hog today...well, half a hog actually. I don't know where I am going to keep all of it, the freezer is pretty full at the current time. I went this past weekend to Billings to look at home improvement products and I could spend a fortune in Lowe's and Home Depot! I still love the fact that I can buy anything I want in Lowe's and put it in the house without having to ask anyone for permission (home ownership definitely beats renting)!

Well, that is enough for now, I will post pictures and experiences from Denver later.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January has how many days???

For it to be January, it is still fairly warm up here. We haven't had any sub zero nights; for that matter we haven't had anything colder than 20 since I got back. It's kind of weird. January always feels like a month that just drags by; and it is usually a busy month at work, so I don't really understand why it drags so. Last night I did a goat workshop for my 4-H kids; they all said that they liked it and wanted me to do another one. We did goat Jeopardy; it was even fun for me! I am also finalizing my trip to the Denver Stock Show. I have 5 kids and another chaperone going with me to Denver; that should be a really fun time! We are leaving out on January 17th at o'dark thirty from the courthouse here in Hardin and hope to be in Denver around dinner time; that way we can check out the pool at the hotel and the local scene in Denver. When I get back from Denver, I am teaching a pesticide education class for the folks who didn't recertify last year in time (not for lack of opportunities) and then at the end of the month I am going to Lewistown, MT for 4-H upate. All this and the month still seems to take forever (or at least 80 days)!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Back in Montana

I'm back out west after a great visit to Virginia for the holidays! The flights were delayed a bit and I didn't get back home until 3 this morning, but as long as you arrive safely can you really complain that much? There is a little snow here in town (very little) but it is still warmer in Montana than it was in Virginia when I there! As promised there are some holiday pictures to be located here, some Virginia landscape pictures here and some pictures of my alma mater, Virginia Tech located here. All in all it was a great visit back east, but I know I was glad to see my dogs and sleep in my own bed; however short a time it was, last night. To tell the truth, I was glad to see this little town in the middle of nowhere Montana. It's good to be home!