Monday, June 30, 2008


This will just be quick. I went to the reenactment of the Battle of the Little Big Horn yesterday with a co-worker's family. It was hot and dusty but the production was done very well. I think that the script, written by Dr. Joe Medicine Crow, was brilliant! It showed the development and destruction of the relationship of the Indians and the federal government, all of which culminated with the battle. Pictures of the reenactment can be found here.

Oh yeah...I got to do what every proud southerner should do...Boo Gen. Sherman! It was great!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Big Horn Days...part 2

Well, Big Horn Days is in full swing now. I just went to the parade and I am going to go to the street dance and bed races tonight! Custer was in the parade today...I am always amazed how good he looks for a man who has fought indians for two days now. One time, just to mix things up, they ought to let him win the battle! That would really throw the crowd for a loop don't you think? Some pictures from the parade can be found here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Big Horn Days

It is now Big Horn Days here in Hardin! I heard Gen. Custer on the radio this morning...he sounded pretty good for a guy fixin' to get shot up for the next 3 days! I guess he's just excited for the 1876 Ball tonight...pretty women all gussied up in period costumes; that might make any man forget about the 8,000 Sioux warriors that are waiting for him! We also have the street fair which really gets set up today. The Koyama family has been selling indian tacos all week (it's kind of interesting that the best indian tacos are made by a Japenese family...gotta be something to that) and the Ford dealership has gotten their book fair set up. This is probably the best week of the year to be in Hardin for one simple reason...the cops actually do their job and clean up the winos off the street! It's great you can walk down the street and not get solicited for money, what a concept! The street dance is Saturday night along with the bed races...I'm definitely going to those events. It all ends on Sunday with the final reenactment of the Battle of the Little Big Horn.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The "calm" before the storm

It's all relative. It is not calm in my world right now. I am SWAMPED with school, job, house, etc, but I know that the next two weeks are going to be even worse. The Virginia kids get here on Tuesday (one week to go and counting) and after they leave it's off to 4-H Congress in Bozeman for a couple of days. Then...finally, a small break as I am planning a camping trip in Tetons National Park. Peace, solitude, and 23 miles of hiking bliss...I can't wait.

Also at the McClellan household today I am hosting a small german shorthaired pointer puppy. I was going to keep the puppy but Maggie does not like the puppy and worse than that, she tried to attack the puppy. I guess I will not be keeping the puppy nor will I get another female dog while I still have Princess Maggie.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Busy Time

I have been incredibly busy the last few weeks. On top of everything at work, I have decided to take a summer class and further my cause toward a master's degree. This class is MUCH more intensely paced than the spring semester classes. I am actually currently working on assignments that are due tomorrow morning so that I can catch up! I haven't spent the entire weekend in the office though. I took the motorcycle for a short ride yesterday down to the river at Two Leggins and sat and watched the river flow by. It's really high right now, but it is still a pretty of the prettier rivers that I have been on. Today I took my other bike (the non motorized one) to Touluca and back via the old road (about 20 miles round trip). That was kind of fun! I just hooked up the XM, grabbed a liter of water, and hit the road. The trip only took about an hour and a half even with a nice stop out at Touluca. The wind picked up on the ride back to town and it really slowed me down...oh well. Well, I really should get back to work and finish up the school work so that I can go back to the house and mow the grass and play with the dogs!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Been a while

Well, it has been a while since I last wrote anything. I has been a busy time here with 4-H OREO Camp in Ashland (not my county, but I still had fun), finalizing arrangements for our Virginia Exchange Program in THREE WEEKS!!!, planning for 4-H Congress, a carcass grading clinic, starting class, and life. This is just a brag about Montana...we aren't hotter than 40 hells right now!!! I have been working like crazy today trying to finalize the details of the exchange program. I have gotten together a small greeting delegation to go to Malta and meet the Virginia delegates and I arranged a meeting to explain how everything will work, organized an activity night, reserved transportation, and stressed out the whole time. Pretty good, huh?