9 years ago
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Another blow to the Big Horn
This is strictly a rant...nothing of any lasting impact will be presented here. I just learned that the best overall restaraunt in town is closing (whether permanent or temporary is still up in the air). Now this business will be the sixth closure for Hardin in the last 18 months and the decline does not appear to be slowing. This particular business's reason for closing is NOT lack of business, but rather lack of employable people. That to me is CRAZY; Big Horn County has one of, if not the highest rates of unemployment in the state of Montana (somewhere north of 9%). There is not a lack of jobs in the county (up until recently, everyone in the office with me worked two jobs); there is simply a lack of will to work. It amazes me that a business in a county with 9% unemployment has trouble finding people to do remarkable tasks like: showing up to work, showing up to work on time, staying till the end of a shift, leaving cell phones off during work, and the esprit' de corps...DOING THEIR JOB!!! Then these same people want to tell me that the government should help them out because they are out of work, that's crazy. In this election year the next president should focus not on fancy words or "band-aid" solutions to problems, but really developing a plan that can fix some of the laziness that our society has tolerated for faaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr too long. It should all start with mandatory drug and alcohol testing for ANYONE receiving government assistance (section 8 housing, welfare, foodstamps, etc.); basically, you fail a drug test or get hammered one night...NO CHECK FOR YOU. This would encourage personal responsibility (something sorely lacking in today's society). Next step is to limit the amount of time that someone may draw welfare (two years should be plenty of time for someone to find a job). I would also not totally cut off welfare payments for someone making minimum wage (that is not a livable wage anywhere that I am aware of), but if you can't even secure a job making minimum wage in two years then you are on your own. We need to quit rewarding people for being lazy. We enabling people to do drugs by paying them when they are fired for doing drugs on the job. We just need some common sense back in government.
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