I am attending a training session in Billings this week. I am supposed to be learning how to facilitate a meeting and keep everything going smoothly, resolving conflict, developing concensus, and making decisions. Right now, it is 01:05 and I am still awake...why is it that whenever I have these training sessions, I always have trouble sleeping? Just once I would like to go to a training and sleep well and enjoy the sessions (I can sometimes get one or the other, but rarely both and most times neither). I am just being whiney because I really want to go to sleep; I am not trying to be a night owl...I didn't even do that while I was in college!
On a different, more pleasant subject, I got my mountain bike back on a trail today. I rode Zimmerman Trail on top of the Rims in Billings! Great views of the city, lots of rocks to ride on and generally a fun time. I had forgotten how much fun that it could be to ride! It is safe to say that I have the bug again...I guess at this point in my life I CAN major in mountain biking (as I was accused of my freshman year at Virginia Tech)!
Oh, in case anyone is wondering, I did not go to Crow Agency yesterday to see Barack Obama! I also did not go to Billings to see him or either one of the Clintons when they were in Billings. This is a disappointing election year...I don't think any one of the three major candidates are worthy of being President. I don't think that any of the three will restrain government spending (here's a concept that might work...don't spend more that you make), or secure our border (come legally or not at all), or figure out a way to expedite other countries taking care of themselves and letting our men and women come home and quit babysitting in other countries (let's face it; that's what it is...I'm talking to you Iraqi Parliment). Anyhow, there is a decent rant for this late at night. Well America, here are your choices for President:
Hillary "duck and cover" Clinton--enough said
Barack "Karl Marx is my hero" Obama--listen to him and you'll understand the analogy
and John "Mr. Politician" McCain--served honorably, but is a true politician that does not connect with "Main Street" America and has been accused of "losing his bearings"
Some choices we are left with this year...
Oh, I heard this yesterday as well and it is a great analogy: "Calling an ILLEGAL alien an "undocumented alien" is like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist". Kind of puts it in perspective, huh?
9 years ago
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